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League Bulletin

January 29, 2021

WHAT HAPPENED: The General Assembly reconvened this week, and with it came the early burst of bill filing. But we're expecting a fairly slow start on things, 目前的提案已被分配给各个立法委员会进行审查,因为注意力将转向可能于下周审议的技术COVID-19法案. 新冠肺炎疫情仍然是首要问题,住院治疗和阳性检测仍在以令人担忧的速度增加, 是什么导致州长本周再次延长修改后的居家令.

含义:我们将跟踪并报道与城镇相关的立法, 为此,有必要牢记提交立法的最后期限, including local bills. We've listed the deadlines in this Bulletin. 

市政官员和立法者有一个重要的日期——3月3日将带来 Town & State Social: A Virtual Town Hall Connecting Legislators and Local Leaders. 这是我们地方领导人和州议员见面的宝贵机会, interact, 听取彼此对我们的城镇所面临的紧迫问题的意见. More details below. 

THE SKINNY: We thank you again for your involvement, which is crucial. 市政当局也通过与该州保持定期联系,继续参与疫苗接种工作. We have an update on vaccines below. Additionally, the state has provided a group of mayors in Brunswick County helpful info after they inquired about vaccine supplies. Read on for more updates

NCLM本周公布了其2021-22年市政立法目标,经过长达数月的过程,365足彩下载成员在本月早些时候投票通过了12个目标. You can find those goals here, arranged by issue area. In total, 150个城市的代表进行投票,将市政立法目标的最终名单缩小到12个. But even that number did not tell the complete story. In all, 196个城市以某种形式或方式参与了这一进程——提出各种想法, representing the Policy Committee, participating in virtual goal-generating focus groups, or casting final votes. The participating municipalities ranged in size from Fontana Dam, in the far western part of the state, to North Carolina's largest city, Charlotte. 

随着政策目标于周三在我们的虚拟推进倡导会议上公布, Kings Mountain Mayor Scott Neisler, who served as co-chair of the Policy Committee, 指出COVID-19大流行所需的远程会议环境是一个优势, ultimately leading to more participation. 他说:“回顾这一努力,我认为我们都可以感到非常自豪. We would like to thank everyone for their involvement in this process, 在立法者和其他州决策者面前,推进城镇需求的关键是什么. 

The N.C. League of Municipalities is proud to host the annual Town & State Social: A Virtual Town Hall Connecting Legislators and Local Leaders on Wednesday, March 3 at 5 p.m., this time presented in a virtual format.

Join us for this special evening to celebrate our cities and towns, and to discuss the most critical topics facing our local governments. 这是我们地方领导人和州议员见面的宝贵机会, interact, 听取彼此对我们的城镇所面临的紧迫问题的意见.

The event will include policy updates from numerous legislative leaders, town hall sessions between state and local officials, 以及旨在在我们进入2021-22立法两年期之际加强关系的交流机会. We will also be exploring NCLM's Municipal Advocacy Goals, as adopted by you, our local leaders, 看看它们是如何与你所在城市或城镇面临的挑战相关联的.

This won't be just another Zoom meeting. Be ready for an engaging evening, full of entertaining and valuable segments that, by evening's end, will help us in “Working As One, Advancing All." 

CLICK: Information and registration.

​An expected gust of bill filing came this week as General Assembly members returned to their seats in Raleigh. Our team will follow and report on bills of relevance to cities and towns. In the meantime, it’s important to keep track of the House and Senate deadlines for filing bills, including local bills.


Local bills in the Senate are due to bill drafting by Feb. 25 and must be introduced by March 11.

Local bills are filed by a legislator representing the affected area.

Other deadlines:


-Commission/interim committee recommended bills: Feb. 3 (bill drafting); March 25 (introduction)

-Agency Bills: Feb. 10; Feb. 25

-Non-appropriations/non-finance public bills: March 24; April 20

-Appropriations: March 31; April 27


All public bills: March 11; April 26.

You can follow along at

​Gov. Roy Cooper’s modified stay-at-home order, requiring people to be at home between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m., has been extended with Executive Order 191. “With more than 3,300 people in the hospital, and the percent 如果检测结果呈两位数阳性,我们就知道这种病毒仍在传播。” Governor Cooper said in a news release. “And with at least one new contagious variant of COVID-19 in our state, we still have work to do. We cannot let our guard down, especially in these cold winter months."

The state updated its vaccine data dashboard this week. Information there concerns vaccine doses the 国家已经收到和指导”,以确保公平分配和速度 administration.” North Carolinians can learn when they’ll become eligible for the shot via a new online tool called Find My Vaccine Group. Additional information about the vaccine rollout is at

地方政府雇员退休制度(LGERS)理事会周四投票通过了最后一项计划.在2021-22财政年度,该系统的雇主缴费率将增加2%,与该计划保持一致 January 2019 决定修订雇主供款率稳定政策(ECRSP),以确保该制度资金充足. 这一增长意味着2021-22财年雇主向该系统提供的额外资金将超过8000万美元. (Materials from the meeting can be viewed here).

董事会投票决定将普通雇员的缴费比例从目前的10%提高.15 percent in fiscal year 2020-21 to 11.35 percent for fiscal year 2021-22. Please note that these rates for general employees are only for the pension component of your contribution rates; the death benefit contribution can vary from unit to unit for general employees and is in addition to these rates. 执法人员的缴费率也在以同样的速度增长,从10%上升.90 percent to 12.10 percent. However, due to the “Court Cost Offset" and the Death Benefit, the contribution rate for LEOs for fiscal year 2021-22 will be 12.04 percent for most employers of LEOs.

2021-22年是当前LGERS ECRSP下计划增加的最后一年, LGERS董事会将很快开始讨论他们未来的雇主供款率计划,为雇主提供可预测性. 州财政部长戴尔·福尔韦尔向董事会成员保证,他的办公室将包括365足彩下载和北约.C. 县专员协会在这些缴费率政策的讨论. 该系统的投资在2020日历年的回报率为11%, beating their assumed rate of return of 7 percent. 在本周的会议上,董事会投票决定将假设收益率降至6%.5 percent going forward.

​More 本周,150多名地方官员参加了“365足彩下载”的虚拟培训 Municipal Finance for Elected Officials. The League and its members were 有幸请来了州审计员贝丝·伍德,她提供了自己的观点 关于各地许多地方政府单位面临的财政挑战 state. 365足彩下载感谢Wood审计员抽出时间参加本次会议 and answer questions from elected officials across N.C. Participants also heard from NCLM staff members Chris Nida and Perry James on keys to effective 来自民选官员和地方民选官员的财务监督 雷兹维尔市市长杰伊·多纳克和伯灵顿市议员哈罗德·欧文 on the practical aspects of real-world oversight. We thank everyone who 参加了周四的会议,并期待就这一主题展开讨论 in future sessions. Visit the League’s website to learn more about the resources available through the League to assist you in managing your local finances.

​In a one-sentence update on Thursday, the U.S. Census Bureau stated that its “current 时间表指向2021年4月30日,以完成分摊计数.” 这些是主要更新各州存在和投票的人口统计 in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Electoral College. News agencies 指出这些数字应该在2020年底之前到期,这是法律规定的截止日期,但是 the pandemic along with changes made by the previous presidential administration pushed out the delivery. The Census Bureau has said many times in recent months that it wants to make sure the data is solid and without question before its release.
