


事情发生的经过: Enough to constitute a relatively short Bulletin this week. Legislators weren't in town, leaving no major advocacy news for us on that front. 但, as we're always in legislative mode in one way or another, we're now recruiting for our League policy committees, a great opportunity you can read about below. 
单词释义: We already knew it would be a no-vote week, 参众两院, whose leaders have been looking at the before-it's-all-over wishlist for last actions ahead some kind of adjournment. 与此同时,奥巴马州长. Roy Cooper has signed a couple more "mini budgets" from the legislature in the enduring absence of a full, 全州范围内的预算. 
利用: By the Associated Press's count​, Governor Cooper has signed all but one of those "mini" plans from the General Assembly. 在撰写本文时, HB 100 DOT Budget for 2019-2021 Biennium​, presented to the governor Oct. 11,仍然在他的桌子上. (The only other bill pending with it right now has to do with university system risk management.)
瘦子: 享受轻松的一周吧. Of course, if you're hungry, you can always refer to our robust End-of-Session公告, written and produced by League staff in September, to be updated once the legislature adjourns for the year. 这是一个 comprehensive document of what's happened so far. 

The League is looking for individuals to form league policies and advocate for them through 立法 Action Committees (General Government, 税 & 金融、规划 & Environment LAC) and Regulatory Action Committee (RAC). The LAC and RAC consider and develop the proposed legislative agenda and related core value issues for the League. These committees recommend the advocacy agenda to the Board of Directors, which in turn proposes it to the full membership for discussion, debate and approval at the A倡导目标会议. This process begins in even-numbered years in advance of the legislative “long session” in odd-numbered years. Each committee term lasts for two years and members may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms on a committee.
These committees are a vital part of the policy decision making. We hope you will consider serving on one of the advocacy committees; it’s a great way to be involved in League advocacy efforts! 申请时,请填写一张表格 感兴趣的形式 11月5日前. 1. 
If you have any questions, please contact Karen Waddell at (919) 715-0950 or kwaddell@bochum-panorama.net.

Kinston Mayor Dontario Hardy said he ran for office, 首先, because of Hurricane Matthew and its unforgettable impacts on his city. While it's hard to call any mayor a fan of major flood damage, Mayor Hardy was especially sick and tired of it. So he packed his bags for Iowa, a flood-experienced state where he heard answers might be. "I learned a lot," the mayor said. 这是重点 最新一集 of 市政方程, the League's podcast about cities and towns adapting in the face of change. 我们收到哈迪市长的来信, from Wilmington Mayor Bill Saffo, and from an Iowa flood observer who's helping to change the game on how we prepare for and respond to floodwaters in our cities and towns. Like Mayor Hardy said, there's a lot to learn here, and with a big lesson on collaboration. 听现在

The 13th annual Hot Sauce Festival 发生在牛津 9月. 14. The festival brings in thousands of people, with 2019 topping over 13,000 visitors. It’s a great way for people to explore downtown Oxford, while interacting with friends, 市中心的商人, 球迷, 工匠和商贩. Each year the festival grows and the ones in charge work hard to adapt to the ever changing community by adding craft & 供应商, 工匠, 当地的啤酒厂, 还有地区食品车, bringing in rich flavors and a bit more history. Downtown Economic Development Corporation, along with the City of Oxford, stress the importance of the “Hot Sauce Contest” as a crucial economic driver to downtown Oxford’s current and future economy.
这是一个 完美的故事 我们在这里成长 herewegrownc.org, the economic development storytelling website from the League and partner WRAL TechWire. 我们在这里成长 is where North Carolina cities and towns are telling us what they're doing to add jobs, improve quality of life and keep on trends that influence our economies. When we add up all that our municipalities are doing on that front, it's a massive impact for all North Carolina. Send questions about content or login credentials to League Communications Associate Jack Cassidy at jcassidy@bochum-panorama.net.